

“As with his birth and at different times during his life, Michael’s death and all related aspects threw our family onto an emotional rollercoaster. Although naturally shy, I had found the best way to cope was to try to be brave and seek support. The end was no different. Simply sharing the events as they unfolded by phone or email brought strength and guidance from family, friends and especially the online CdLS communities.”

Excerpt from When Angels Take Flight: The Loss of a Loved One with Cornelia de Lange Syndrome


Encuentre otras páginas que compartan el mismo tema que esta página El Síndrome Cornelia de Lange (SCdL)2
Traducción al español:
Feliciano Ramos

Adaptada para el público general, familias afectadas y profesionales no familiarizados con el síndrome. Traducción al español realizada por: Enrique Serrano y Feliciano Ramos



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