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How are the Organs Affected in Adults with CdLS?

        Per i genitori, gli assistenti, i fornitori di assistenza sanitaria e gli insegnanti, sorgono spesso preoccupazioni e domande riguardanti la cura e il benessere degli individui con sindrome di Cornelia de Lange. 

Organ problems in adults with CdLS are similar to those in children with CdLS. 

Usually the heart defects, which are detected during the first years of life, do not cause any unexpected complications in adulthood.

If kidney abnormalities have been detected, the following should be monitored

Prostate enlargement has been found in 10% of men with CdLS by the age of 41.  Prostate enlargement is common in men over 50 in the general population.


How are the Organs Affected in Adults with CdLS?

Renal (kidney) function should be regularly monitored in children and adults with CdLS who have structural renal malformations.
Prostate enlargement in men with CdLS should be treated according to national guidelines for the general population.


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