
Aggressive Behaviours and Self Injury

Aggressive Behaviours and Self Injury

Aggressive” behaviours are any behaviours which have the potential to cause injury to another person.These can include hitting, kicking, throwing objects, etc. When we use this term, there is no implication that the person necessarily intends to cause injury to anyone.

A person’s behaviour is said to be “self-injurious” if it has the potential to cause harm to the person carrying out the behaviour.This can include when a person bites or hits themselves, or bangs their head on something. Again, there is no implication that the person necessarily intends to harm themselves.

N.B. Overall, self injury, whilst occurring in two in every three people, is no more common in CdLS than would be expected for the level of Intellectual Disability. Aggression is significantly less common in CdLS than in people without CdLS with a similar level of ability. It is the increase over time which the research points to. 

Chris Oliver

By Dr Alice Welham, Dr Jo Moss and Professor Chris Oliver
Cerebra Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, University of Birmingham

History des pages
Modifié par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2021/05/23 12:53
Créé par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2021/05/23 12:53

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