
The Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Association (Australasia) Inc (CdLSA)

Who we are

CdLS Australia is a non-profit organisation which is run by volunteers, usually parents, who have a family member with CdLS.

The Australian support group was formed in 1981 in Victoria, when three mothers met, and for the first time in many years were able to compare their experiences.

The group was incorporated in 1995 and countries supported by CdLSA are Australia and New Zealand, with outreach to Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia Singapore and other Pacific Nations.

We do not receive any regular Government funding, but rely on membership fees and donations to provide support to families.




לוח האירועים שלנו

The Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Association (Australasia) Inc (CdLSA)

Who we are

CdLS Australia is a non-profit organisation which is run by volunteers, usually parents, who have a family member with CdLS.The Australian support group was formed in 1981 in Victoria, when three mothers met, and for the first time in many years were able to compare their experiences.The group was incorporated in 1995 and countries supported by CdLSA are Australia and New Zealand, with outreach to Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia Singapore and other Pacific Nations.We do not receive any regular Government funding, but rely on membership fees and donations to provide support to families.

Contact information

Gwilym Conran


Email: president@cdls.org.au

Phone: +61 409 633 661

PO Box 151, Darwin, NT 0801

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בצע את השלבים הבאים...

אחרת פנה למרכז המומחיות הלאומי שלך

Network of experts for The Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Association (Australasia) Inc (CdLSA)