Spørg eksperter


Behavior Medications


A young man with CdLS (age 14 and 56 lbs. has a dual diagnosis of CdLS and autism. He is aggressive toward others and self-injurious. Caregiver reports little success with Buspar, Paxcil or Tegretol. I am unsure of dosages, amount of time on each medication. Behavior problems are worsening.

Is there another medication that the family should try? Risperdal? Naltrexone?

Svar fra vores eksperter

My first recommended drugs for CdLS are Elavil and Clonidine. Naltrexone is really a long-term drug, but it may be worth a try. Risperidone is not a bad choice, but start at a very low dose.

TG/TK 7-13-2010

Svaret er kontrolleret og gyldigt for


Self-injurious and aggressive behaviour

To identify the cause of self-injurious behaviour in individuals with CdLS, medical assessment, specifically looking for sources of pain, should be followed by behavioural assessment of self-restraint then functional analysis.
Treatment of self-injurious behaviour should include both medical and behavioural strategies.


Social functioning including ASDs

A clinical diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) should be considered in all individuals with CdLS throughout life, taking into account atypical presentations.
R57: In addition to standardised ASD diagnostic tools, fine-grained observations should be carried out to accurately define the profile of social functioning in an individual with CdLS.
ASD-specific interventions should be considered in all individuals with CdLS in combination with approaches that consider the broader social functioning profile of the syndrome.


Bemærk venligst, at Spørg eksperterne-tjenesten består af frivillige fagfolk inden for forskellige områder. Svarene betragtes ikke som en medicinsk, adfærdsmæssig eller pædagogisk konsultation. Spørg eksperten er ikke en erstatning for den pleje og opmærksomhed, som dit barns personlige læge, psykolog, uddannelseskonsulent eller socialrådgiver kan yde.

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