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What is "mouthing" and why do people do it? How can a classroom deal with this issue?

Antwoord van onze experts

The act of "mouthing" may be associated with developmental level and the way in which a person is currently processing information and her environment. For individuals with developmental delays (such as those exhibited by some individuals with CdLS), this stage can be extended for a longer period of time than typically developing children. It is difficult to anticipate the issues that will face a care provider in "proofing" a classroom against such behavior. It may be the role of the classroom aide to assist in guiding a student through the activities offered by this inclusive setting in a safe manner. I understand and appreciate the goal of trying to create a more included and independent child in a classroom setting

The Foundation offers materials related to perseverative behaviors and the issue of inclusion in the classroom. Broaden a search to a general key-word search for "mouthing", development, or Pica (a compulsion/craving to eat non-food items associated with compulsive behaviors and mental illness) on the web. I am not sure what sort of behavior management techniques would be most helpful in this situation short of aversion therapy. This may be inappropriate for some individuals, however

MW/ TK 7-13-10

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Interventies gericht op problematisch repetitief gedrag bij individuen met CdLS dienen rekening te houden met angst, sensorische problemen en sociale verwachtingen. Deze interventies moeten ook omgevingsfactoren meenemen.
Atypische presentatie van angst- en stemmingsstoornissen dient overwogen te worden bij gedragsveranderingen.
Omdat angst veel voorkomt bij individuen met CdLS tijdens periodes van omgevingsveranderingen/transitie-periodes, dient een planmatig programma geïmplementeerd te worden.
De behandeling van angst- en stemmingsstoornissen bij individuen met CdLS dient overwogen te worden met gebruik van psychosociale interventies (therapie) en farmacotherapie (medicatie).

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