Pregunte al experto


Teeth Grinding "Bruxism"


Our son has been grinding his teeth for years, to the point where they say nerve is exposed. The dentist has recommended he have his teeth pulled. Mom wants to know if this should be done?

Respuesta de nuestros expertos

"Bruxism" or grinding of the teeth, is very common within our CdLS population. At 30+ years old, the problem has most assuredly been a longstanding one. Various dental mouthguards or night guards can help if the grinding is related to specific times during the day or night. To wear a mouthguard 24 hours a day would not be an answer for any patient. If grinding is at night or is strongest during the evening, then wearing the appliance would be of considerable help. If the nerves were exposed, I would be very surprised. Usually the nerves shrink away from the offending pressure of the grinding. They will protect themselves by fleeing the area and walling off sensitivity by laying down calcified tissue to separate the grinding surface from the nerve. Exposed nerves would send one up to the roof in excruciating pain.

Extracting the teeth might be an alternative, but unless self-inflicted damage is occurring to the tongue, cheeks, lips or other soft tissues, I would not automatically consider this rather aggressive approach to bruxism. One should also talk to the patient's physician to see if any muscle relaxation medications might help to relieve the tension and grinding.

DM/TK 7-13-10

Regarding nerve exposure, root canal therapy can be completed on his teeth if he has had good periodontal health prior to considering extractions. I would like to see radiography films prior to this extreme. If he is cooperative enough for this, then a Panorex xray or a small series of xrays would be helpful. If he is uncooperative, then sedation would be necessary for this and then definitive treatment could be rendered (that being preferably root canal therapy so he can retain his teeth).

If his present dentist is not comfortable with this treatment recommendation, then a pediatric dentist who works in conjunction with an endodontist and anesthesiologist would be recommended. It is necessary to coordinate many people's schedules to pull it off. Extractions are easy, fast, final, not always best for patient if conditions are OK otherwise, so more information is needed to verify situation

DC/ TK 7-13-10

SEE ALSO: Teeth Exfoliation
Teeth Grinding 1
Teeth Growth

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Recomendación (es)

Dificultades de alimentación y problemas dentales

En cada paciente con SCdL que tenga dificultades graves y prolongadas para alimentarse, la evaluación multidisciplinar (profesionales sanitarios de varias disciplinas) debería considerarse la colocación (temporal) de una gastrostomía (abertura quirúrgica al estómago a través del abdomen) como un complemento a la alimentación oral.
En pacientes con SCdL que sufren infecciones respiratorias repetidas, debe descartarse la existencia de reflujo gastroesofágico y/o la aspiración de jugo gástrico o alimentos a los pulmones.
Debe examinarse detalladamente el paladar. En caso de síntomas sugerentes de fisura palatina (submucosa), está indicado remitir al paciente a un especialista.
La exploración y limpieza de los dientes debe realizarse con regularidad; podría ser necesario un examen o tratamiento ortodóncico más exhaustivo bajo anestesia.

Aviso legal

Tenga en cuenta que el servicio Pregunte al experto está compuesto por profesionales voluntarios en diversas áreas de interés. Las respuestas no se consideran una consulta médica, conductual o educativa. Pregúntale al Experto no sustituye el cuidado y la atención que puede brindar el médico, el psicólogo, el asesor educativo o el trabajador social de tu hijo.

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