
Communication and language

Communication abilities vary widely in CdLS. Typically, individuals with CdLS experience major difficulties in communication and many individuals do not develop verbal communication. Speech difficulties in CdLS often occur due to abnormal muscle tone. However, visual impairment, hearing loss and mouth structure or jawbone abnormalities can also lead to speech and communication difficulties. 

Difficulties in communication and understanding communication can also arise from cognitive impairment (problems with memory, thinking and communication).

Currently there is little research on the relationship between intellectual functioning, behaviour and communication skills in CdLS. 


Communication and language

Bei der Einstufung der Kommunikationsfähigkeit sind Seh- und Hörprobleme, Sprachbehinderungen, geistige Einschränkung, Schwierigkeiten in der sozialen Interaktion sowie soziale Angst zu berücksichtigen. Hier können Videoaufnahmen sehr hilfreich sein.
Mit an die Entwicklung angepassten Kommunikationsstrategien (wie Sprachtherapie, gestützte Kommunikation) sollte innerhalb der ersten 18 Lebensmonate begonnen werden.
All children with CdLS should receive a communication assessment as early as possible
Early and frequent tests are necessary, particularly with the child who has a suspected hearing loss.
Gestures and sign language are encouraged as means to facilitate and motivate oral communication

