Histoires d'expérience

Jordan Fisher

My name is Jordan Fischer. I am 21 years old and was diagnosed with CdLS when I was born.

Jordan proudly showing off her new diploma.

I live in Long Island in New York State. I am writing so you can see how I am doing. 

My big news is that I got my diploma from high school on June 24, 2018. I liked high school, but I like my life now better. I am lucky because I work two great jobs. During the week I assist in the billing department of a radiology business. I have a mentor named Patti. She is really nice. My favorite part is seeing my co-workers, but sometimes I don’t like doing the same thing over and over. 

I also work on Saturdays at a burger place where I clean tables and deliver food to tables. I have worked there for two years and I know all the rules and always complete my work assignments. I have an awesome group of friends. Some of them I’ve known since preschool, but some of them I met this past year at a social group. When we can’t hang out we text each other. We are always there for each other. 

I keep busy. I go to the gym in my town to make sure I stay strong and in shape. On Wednesdays I volunteer at the local animal shelter. I clean the cages and help feed the cats. 

I worked very hard to graduate high school and learn my jobs. Even if something takes longer I can still learn it. I think it is important that everyone tries to reach their goals. 

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Jordan Fisher
Jordan Fisher

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History des pages
Modifié par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2024/08/25 10:40
Créé par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2019/05/15 19:58

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