Histoires d'expérience

COVID-19 vaccination

Dear parents, carers, those involved,

We have entered the year 2021, and it is to be hoped that 2021 will be the year that Covid-19 will be relegated to the background; it is still exciting to see how things will progress with the vaccinations. I wish all of you a healthy and happy 2021.  

Recently Jan and Monique asked Sylvia Huisman, our support as involved AVG-doctor at CdLS, the question;
Jan and Monique kindly allowed to share the answer with you as it undoubtedly concerns you too:


Dear Sylvia,
How are you doing? We have a question about the Corona vaccine for Kim.
In principle we would like to have Kim vaccinated, but we are still a little worried about it.
For example, is it necessary to adjust the dose for Kim because of her weight? Are there any concerns about the vaccine and CdLS?
If you don't know the answer to this, do you know who might?
Happy New Year and good luck and health for the New Year.
Jan, Monique and Kim

Dear Jan and Monique,
From both the literature and the CdLS international community, as well as information from government and professional groups, we have not received any reports of special precautions regarding the vaccine in people with CdLS or other syndromes.
In fact, the same indications and prescriptions apply as for other vaccinations and vaccination against the coronavirus is of utmost importance especially for people with intellectual disabilities and genetic syndromes.
For additional information: State of affairs regarding coronavirus vaccination in care for the handicapped | Vereniging Gehandicaptenzorg Nederland (vgn.nl)
On this site of the VGN you will also find links to important information from the National Government and the RIVM.
Happy end of the year and all the best for 2021, for Kim and for you,

Additionally some useful links for your information

regards Connie Vijverberg (board member CdL)

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Trouvez d'autres pages qui partagent le même sujet que cette page. Infections et Vaccinations4 Infections et Vaccinations5
Monique Ottevanger
Monique Ottevanger

Connie, bestuurslid CdLS, heeft met toestemming dit artikel gepubliceerd

History des pages
Modifié par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2021/11/12 18:13
Créé par Gerritjan Koekkoek le 2021/11/09 09:40

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