Histórias de experiência

I am Bram!

care for BramI will introduce myself as a new member: I am Janneke and together with my husband Theo we became parents of our special Bram in October 2014. When I write this, Bram is 5 months old and we are starting to 'get used' more and more to all the care around Bram (although I also think: does this ever get used?))

The biggest worry at the moment is the reflux and the frequent spitting up. Bram is fed through a tube because he does not eat anything himself, but he spits up a lot and we have tried all kinds of things but unfortunately with little result. Because of the frequent spitting up, we are also afraid of a pneumonia, but so far so good.
We are also seeing all sorts of specialists and it will remain that way for the time being. I just hope that it will eventually calm down a bit. Bram will be going to a medical daycare centre from mid-April (if it all works out with the Pgb application) and then I can go back to work. It's exciting, but I think it's good for me to be able to pick up some of my own life again.
In any case, I am happy with the CdLS site and with the Facebook page. Until now I was not ready to actively seek contact, because I found it quite confronting, but I think it can also be very supportive, so I took the step anyway.

Encontrar outras páginas que partilhem o mesmo tópico que esta página Reflux9 Reflux3 Reflux38 Introduction2 Introduction7 Introduction2
Janneke Merkus
Janneke Merkus

Queremos agradecer aos Janneke, por partilharem esta história.

Histórico da página
Modificado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2021/11/11 16:30
Criado por Gerritjan Koekkoek em 2021/11/11 11:18



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