
Infections and Vaccinations

Vaccinations should be given to every child with CdLS according to national guidelines (R17). It is common for individuals with CdLS to have recurrent respiratory infections which can affect the sinuses, throat, airways or lungs. Respiratory infections in CdLS are thought to be influenced by differences in anatomy (how the airways have formed), hypotonia (low muscle tone and strength) and poorer co-ordination of swallowing and coughing.

Some individuals with CdLS may have an immunodeficiency. This is where the body’s immune system has a lower ability to fight infection. If the child with CdLS has unusually frequent or severe infections, the GP or paediatrician can make a referral to assess for an immunodeficiency (62).


Infections and Vaccinations

Vaccinations should be given to every child with CdLS according to national guidelines.




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