Historie doświadczeń

Sensory processing

Sensory processing is a term that describes how the brain takes in and manages input from all the senses. In sensory processing, the brain deals with information from the five traditional senses (touch, taste, smell, sound and sight) and two other senses which contribute to a person’s balance (movement and awareness of where their body parts are in space).

Difficulties in sensory processing can lead to hyposensitivity and hypersensitivity. Individuals with CdLS usually experience difficulties in sensory processing, regardless of their level of intellectual disability.


Sensory processing

Należy ocenić nadwrażliwość i niedowrażliwość oraz inne trudności w przetwarzaniu sensorycznym, a także wdrożyć strategie wsparcia u osób z CdLS w trakcie całego ich życia.

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