Spørg eksperter

Growth and Calories


What would be a sufficient daily caloric intake for a CdLS child

We have had several nutritionists express their concern regarding our son's daily caloric intake (approx. 400 calories per day). They have suggested a feeding tube to increase his daily caloric intake. Do you think this is necessary, and approximately how many calories should a CdLS child the size of our son be taking in per day?

Svar fra vores eksperter

These estimations are best done by the physician caring for the child, but likely this child needs about 600 calories per day. If the slope of the growth curve is not adequate, then an evaluation for GI anomalies, nutrition consult, and probably tube feeding are all appropriate. They should see a pediatric gastroenterologist to have her/him assist with this decision

DP/TK 7-13-10

Svaret er kontrolleret og gyldigt for
Find andre sidder der deles de sammen emne som den side Growth in Childhood6 Growth in Childhood15


Growth in Childhood

The growth of every child with CdLS should be monitored by using CdLS-specific growth charts.


Bemærk venligst, at Spørg eksperterne-tjenesten bestĂ¥r af frivillige fagfolk inden for forskellige omrĂ¥der. Svarene betragtes ikke som en medicinsk, adfærdsmæssig eller pædagogisk konsultation. Spørg eksperten er ikke en erstatning for den pleje og opmærksomhed, som dit barns personlige læge, psykolog, uddannelseskonsulent eller socialrĂ¥dgiver kan yde.

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