Fragen an den Experten

Hair pulling 2


Our 30-year-old daughter with CdLS has always pulled at her hair, but she is in the midst of a terrible bout with this problem. She has pulled a whole bald spot on her head. How do we and her residential school help her? She had gone for a long time without the issue being too bad, but we are very concerned about her now.

Antwort unserer Experten

Was Prozac originally prescribed for hair pulling, or is it something new? It is sometimes a useful treatment for trichotillomania, but sometimes it can do the opposite. I am sometimes inclined to use a mild anxiety drug, like Tranxene, instead of Prozac, or if that doesn't work, Gabatril

TK 7-13-10

As TG indicates, Prozac is often cited as a treatment for obsessive-compulsive symptoms such as trichotillomania. However, since the hair pulling is a pleasurable response to underlying anxiety, the tendency of Prozac to cause some anxiety can be a problem (it can cause the behavior to increase at first). Also, the hair pulling takes on a "habitual" quality which can persist after the "anxiety" is dealt with. I have tried about everything at one time of another for this disorder and cannot recommend a single "best" treatment. That said, I'd agree with TG that a mild anti-anxiety drug, such as Tranxene or Ativan, can help. The Prozac needs to be evaluated clinically to see if it is helping or hurting the situation. Alternatives with potentially fewer "anxiety" side-effects include Celexa, Luvox, or Paxil

DS/TK 7-13-10

Antwort ist geprüft und gültig für


Self-injurious and aggressive behaviour

Um die Ursache für selbstverletzendes Verhalten bei Menschen mit CdLS zu ermitteln, sind medizinische Untersuchungen mit Fokus auf möglichen Schmerzquellen notwendig, gefolgt von einer Verhaltenseinstufung zum Aspekt der Selbstbeherrschung und einer anschließenden funktionalen Analyse.
Die Behandlung von selbstverletzendem Verhalten muss sowohl medizinische als auch verhaltensbezogene Strategien umfassen.

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