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IV protocol


Whenever my daughter has needed an IV, the medical professionals have had great difficulty with the placement. Her doctor has raised the possibility of placing a central line in the future. Do you have any recommendations?

Risposta dei nostri esperti

Unfortunately, tiny people have tiny veins. Hopefully, your daughter will not need IVs in the near future to allow her veins to grow. The scalp is actually a very safe place for an IV. There are also peripheral veins in the neck (external jugular veins) that do very well with IV's, but look horrifying to the family. A central line carries the risk of infection, and if she doesn't need one it would be nice. If she is going to need IVs once a month at the least, then I probably would recommend a central line. If it will be once or twice a year, then I do not think it should be necessary

TK 7-13-10

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