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Are migraines associated with CdLS?

Antwoord van onze experts

Headaches are not commonly reported in individuals with CdLS, but it could be because many individuals cannot verbalize the problem. Migraines do tend to run in families, so I would wonder if they run in yours (and would therefore be independent from the CdLS)

As you may know, migraines are recurrent headaches with other findings such as nausea, vomiting, stomach ache, a change in vision, hearing or other sensation prior to onset (although this is not necessary) and relief with sleeping. A neurological examination should be done to make sure there are no unusual findings that might need a further work-up (like a brain scan). Most physicians would start treatment with Tylenol or Motrin (or similar product). There is a class of medications (ergotamines) which, when taken just at the onset of the pain, can be very helpful in relieving subsequent symptoms. I would recommend seeing a physician and discussing this possible diagnosis, having him or her perform a thorough physical exam and then deciding about medications

TK 7-13-10

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Het autonome zenuwstelsel

Insulten bij individuen met CdLS dienen behandeld te worden op basis van algemene behandelrichtlijnen.
Een MRI van de hersenen dient alleen overwogen te worden indien het individu met CdLS neurologische symptomen heeft anders dan microcefalie (hoofd kleiner dan normaal).

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