Spørg eksperter


Neonatal Hypertension


Is hypertension common in newborns with CdLS?

Svar fra vores eksperter

I have not heard of anybody with CdLS having hypertension. This could be related to having very little obesity. I would always recommend doing renal studies (BUN and creatinine and a urinalysis)

This case seems a little different since it is neonatal. Most of the time, hypertension in newborns is secondary to some systemic problem. The most common causes of neonatal hypertension are renal artery thrombosis (blood clot in the big artery leading to the kidney) and catheterization of the umbilical artery. Renal diseases can predispose to hypertension, including some obstructive lesion in the urinary tract (which might be able to be detected by ultrasound of the kidney and/or a voiding cystourethrogram (dye injected through the urethra to go back up to the kidneys and see if there is a blockage). Other causes could be heart lesions (particularly if she is requiring oxygen), coarctation of the aorta (sometimes patients with CdLS do have coarctation), hormone problems (thyroid, etc. which this patient seems too young for). All of these should be able to be evaluated through the neonatologist. If all structural things have been ruled out, then I would think a nephrologist could be of help

TK 7-13-10

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