Pregunte al experto


Oxygen levels


During my daughter's hospitalization stay, she needed to have her oxygen saturation levels monitored. My daughter has Raynaud's phenomenon and I am concerned that that may affect the readings. Where would be the best place to attach the sensor?

Respuesta de nuestros expertos

To my knowledge, children with CdLS should not have lower oxygen or oxygen saturation levels unless they have a type of congenital heart disease that changes the blood flow in getting oxygen from the lungs. There are very few lung complications with CdLS

Your idea of Raynaud's phenomenon affecting the oxygen saturation measurement is an excellent one. Decreased blood flow to the extremities ought to cause problems in accurately reading the oxygen saturation. Perhaps they could put the sensor on her earlobe. The alternative is to check her arterial blood, which can be painful. I would not want her true oxygen saturations to be below 95 or 94%

TK 7-13-10

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