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I work with a 19-year-old man with CdLS. How does the Foundation advise parents and caregivers to teach appropriate expression of personal sexuality and addressing these needs?

Réponse de nos experts

Sexuality is a difficult area for families with older individuals with CdLS. Unfortunately, to my knowledge, there are no specific articles or brochures about this topic. We have held several workshops and open discussions about the topic in general and, anecdotally, some excellent suggestions have been brought up by other parents. This might be a good question to pose to other parents whose children have CdLS

I will share some of the suggestions that I know about, keeping in mind that I do not know the developmental age of the young man:

Allow personal touching only in the bedroom and/or bathroom. Discuss privacy and that touching is not wrong,

Consider having the individual wear overalls or other clothes that make it difficult to reach the genital area

Consider that other people can take advantage of your child, and be cautious about supervision whenever leaving him. Consider birth control for females if in a potentially vulnerable situation

Do not allow your child to be aggressive sexually with other individuals. Tell him that it is wrong and use time out, or removal of privileges, or whatever disciplinary action usually works

Do the same with inappropriate use of words

Use calm music and quiet time in his room to help calm him down if needed

Avoid caffeine

TK 7-13-10

La réponse est vérifiée et valide pour


    • Les personnes atteintes du SCDL peuvent-elles avoir des enfants ?
R20 : Une éducation sexuelle adaptée au niveau de compréhension doit être proposée, et la gestion de la contraception doit suivre la norme locale pour la population générale.
R21 : L'hystérectomie est indiquée en cas de saignement anormalement abondant lors des menstruations et ne répondant pas au traitement médical.

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Veuillez noter que le service Demandez à l'expert est composé de professionnels bénévoles dans divers domaines d'intérêt. Les réponses ne sont pas considérées comme une consultation médicale, comportementale ou éducative. Demandez à l'expert ne remplace pas les soins et l'attention que peut fournir le médecin, le psychologue, le conseiller pédagogique ou le travailleur social de votre enfant.

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