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Tethered Spinal Cord


During the time that my daughter was diagnosed with CdLS, my doctor noticed that my daughter had a small patch of hair on the base of her spine. The patch is no longer there, but there is a small birth mark present. Her Doctor thinks that it could be a sign of tethered cord. My daughter doesn’t show any neurological effects so far. She does have occasional accidents and she is also a chronic bed-wetter and has had a history of bladder infections. They are going to conduct an MRI to help confirm. Can these be symptoms of a tethered spinal cord? Is this common in children with CdLS?

Odpowiedź naszych ekspertów

While it is certainly not common, there is an impression that things such as a tethered cord and occult spinal dysraphism may indeed be a little more common in children with CdLS - but this could also be by chance. MRI is a good idea.

CB/ TK 7-13-10

Zatwierdzone przezClinical Advisory Board (CAB)
Odpowiedź jest sprawdzana i ważna dla
Znajdź inne strony, które mają ten sam temat co ta strona Autonomic nervous system7 Autonomic nervous system21


Autonomic nervous system

Napady padaczkowe u osób z CdLS powinny być leczone zgodnie z ogólnymi schematami postępowania.
Badanie MRI mózgu powinno być rozważane tylko wtedy, gdy u osoby z CdLS występują objawy neurologiczne inne niż mikrocefalia (głowa mniejsza niż normalna).

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