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Urinary Tract Infections


My 27-year-old son is having chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs) these past 10 months. He is also having serious GI problems and nutritional problems because of the antibiotics to treat the infections. He has had an ultra-sound of the renal and bladder, which was normal. His prostate has been checked; they are pea-sized. He took Macrodantin for 90 days and still had UTIs. What else should we do?

Risposta dei nostri esperti

He would need to have a voiding cystourethrogram, if he hasn't already, and may need to have a renal scan to check for any chronic kidney changes. He also should be checked for sexually transmitted diseases (cultures). Also, ideally, he should see a pediatric urologist. An infectious disease expert can help with medications for infections and the side effects.

TK 7-13-10

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