
Dental related medical problems that might be associated with self-injurious behaviour

There are two dental related medical problems that might be associated with self-injurious behaviour. The first is the crowding of teeth. This can lead to some discomfort as teeth erupt. The second problem is the thin layer of enamel on the teeth. This may mean that dental cavities are more likely to occur and that there is increased sensitivity to touch and temperature in the teeth. This is potentially relevant to gastroesophageal reflux as constant contact between the acidic fluid from the stomach and the already thin enamel on the teeth can hasten the development of cavities.

In addition to these two specific problems that are related to Cornelia de Lange Syndrome it should be noted that there will in any event be some physical discomfort around the time of tooth eruption just as there would for any child.

Chris Oliver

by Chris Oliver Jo Moss Jane Petty Kate Arron Jenny Sloneem Scott Hall

pagina geschiedenis
Laatst gewijzigd door Gerritjan Koekkoek op 2023/07/14 13:25
Gemaakt door Gerritjan Koekkoek op 2021/05/23 19:48



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