Erasmus MC, Cell Biology

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à la Erasmus MC, Cell Biology

Goal of Erasmus MC, Cell Biology

Cible du Erasmus MC, Cell Biology

Genes are like instruction books in our bodies. They work with friends called regulatory elements. The way genes and friends interact depends on how the chromatin fiber is folded. Cohesin helps hold the chromatin together during cell divisions and promotes long-distance talks between different parts of the DNA. CTCF is like a traffic police, organizing the chromatin and keeping some parts separate. Scientists study this to understand how our genes work. They use special tools to see how genes and friends interact on the chromatin fiber. They want to know how genes make us unique. It's like solving a big puzzle!

We're also studying how changes in cohesin can cause problems in the body. Some mutations in cohesin and its regulators are linked to developmental syndromes like Cornelia de Lange Syndrome and Roberts SC phocomelia syndrome. These syndromes affect how the body develops. We're working with other research groups in Germany and France to learn more about these syndromes through the Target-CdLS network."


Léquipe {0}

Professor - Principal Investigator

PHD. Kerstin Wendt

Professor - Principal Investigator

Dr. Debbie van den Berg


Amber Hof


PHD. Student Marieke Alzeer

Services/qualifications Erasmus MC, Cell Biology

Centre de recherche
1Recherche qui est importante pour comprendre la cause, les troubles et/ou les émotions du trouble.
2Possède des connaissances approfondies avérées sur le trouble
3Assure cette connaissance du trouble en collaboration avec l'association et d'autres instituts/organisations (internationales).
4Assure le financement des domaines liés aux troubles
5Transmet ses connaissances lors de réunions et de conférences nationales et/ou internationales et de publications par le biais de l'association.


Erasmus MC, Cell Biology
( partie de celui-ci Erasmus MC )

Dept. of Cell Biology
Erasmus MC
Faculty building
Room Ee-1032
Wytemaweg 80
3015CN Rotterdam 
The Netherlands


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