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Cloudiness of the Cornea


At my child’s annual eye exam, her doctor found what he thought was a cut that healed as a scar on her right cornea. Her cornea is cloudy. Could this actually be a cataract instead?

Antwoord van onze experts

  1. Cloudiness of the cornea (clear dome shaped covering over the eye) can look very much like a cataract (cloudiness in the lens of the eye, which is located behind the pupil) to the lay observer. Sometimes the special equipment of the eye doctor is required to tell the difference. 2. Cloudiness of the cornea can occur for several reasons in CdLS. a. The most common cause would be due to blepharitis, slow flow in the 20-30 glands normally present in each eyelid. This can result either in drying out of the surface of the eye or an immune reaction (in which natural chemicals in the body attack something they don't like) to excess growth of germs (called staph or staphylococcus) on the margins of the eyelids that is allowed because the flow is not there to wash them away. Both events can lead to corneal cloudiness or scars, especially in the lower half of the cornea. b. Self injury. Some children with CdLS injure themselves as part of their behavior profile. c. Very, very rarely, we see a baby with CdLS who also has congenital glaucoma. This occurs in infancy and the whole cornea is cloudy, with a bigger eyeball, aversion to bright lights, and tearing. d. Children with severe ptosis (droopy eyelids) may not close their eyes all the way when they sleep. This can result in drying out of the bottom half of the cornea with a white scar. AL /TK 7-13-10
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De ogen en het gezichtsvermogen

Chirurgische correctie van ptosis dient overwogen te worden als het zicht er significant door beïnvloed wordt of als het individu de kin optilt in een poging om beter te kunnen zien en als het de mogelijkheid van een individu om vrij te bewegen beperkt.
Blefaritis bij mensen met CdLS dient conservatief behandeld te worden met ooglidhygiëne. Er moet gedacht worden aan nasolacrimale obstructie (verstopte traanwegen) indien symptomen niet verbeteren met ooglidhygiëne.
De visus van alle mensen met CdLS moet regelmatig gecontroleerd worden, met name tijdens de zuigelingenperiode en de kindertijd. Problemen met het zicht dienen zo vroeg mogelijk gecorrigeerd te worden om amblyopie (lui oog) te voorkomen, hoewel kinderen moeite kunnen hebben met het verdragen van een bril of contactlenzen.

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