תשאל את המומחה

Szczpienia przeciw grypie


Czy korzystne jest zastosowanmie szczepienia przeciw grypie u osoby z CdLS ?

Answer of our experts

Mozna jesli dziecko nie odpowiada odczynami poszczepiennymi przebiegajacymi z wysoka goraczka .

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מצא דפים אחרים שחולקים את אותו נושא כמו דף זה Paediatric Medical Care5 Paediatric Medical Care1 Paediatric Medical Care37

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Please take note that the Ask the Expert service is comprised of volunteer professionals in various areas of focus. Answers are not considered a medical, behavioral, or educational consultation. Ask the Expert is not a substitute for the care and attention your child’s personal physician, psychologist, educational consultant, or social worker can deliver.



נושא שמחזיק את הנושא הזה
What medical care may a child with CdLS need?