Chiedi all'esperto


Hip Rotation and Gait


I am a PT and notice in my 2-year old client with CdLS an extreme external hip rotation and out-toeing w/ gait. Is this common with the syndrome?

Risposta dei nostri esperti

Most out-toeing in 2 year olds is the manifestation of either residual neonatal external hip rotation contracture (which eventually resolves and is more common) or femoral retroversion. Neither is more or less common in CdLS children than in others

TR/TK 7-13-10

La risposta è controllata e valida per
Trova altre pagine che condividono lo stesso argomento di questa pagina Lower limb abnormalities3 Lower limb abnormalities6



Lower limb abnormalities

Scoliosis and leg length differences need specific attention in adults with CdLS at regular medical check-ups.

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argomento tenendo questo argomento
The musculoskeletal system