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A mother had a pregnancy that resulted in a miscarriage one year prior to the birth of her child with CdLS and another miscarriage in a subsequent pregnancy following the birth of her daughter. Should this be of concern if considering another pregnancy?

Antwoord van onze experts

No, fetuses with CdLS are not usually subject to spontaneous abortion and a history of such is not a common finding in families of children with CdLS. Chromosomal errors are far more likely to result in spontaneous abortion, especially early in gestation. In this case, if that is what is happening, it is likely to be a form of chromosomal error that results in early lethality. However, with two spontaneous abortions in a reproductive history, chromosomal studies of the parents may reveal an underlying cause and indicate the application of studies such as amniocentesis or CVS in succeeding pregnancies

In any case she should consider a PAPP-A and ultrasound at mid-trimester in her next pregnancy

LJ/TK 7-13-10

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Zoek andere pagina's die hetzelfde onderwerp delen als deze pagina Herhalingsrisico binnen families3 Herhalingsrisico binnen families5


Herhalingsrisico binnen families

Aan alle families met een familielid met CdLS moet genetische counseling aangeboden worden. Aan families moet verteld worden dat het herhalingsrisico op CdLS afhangt van het betrokken gen. In de non-X-linked vormen, is het herhalingsrisico 0.89% op basis van kiembaan-mozaïcisme. Autosomaal dominante overerving van CdLS gebeurt ook, wat betekent dat als er één kopie van de mutatie aanwezig is, het individu klinische effecten zal vertonen. In klinisch gediagnosticeerde individuen met CdLS, is het herhalingsrisico 1.5%.

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