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What is Microcephaly, its cause, treatments and prognosis?

Antwoord van onze experts

Microcephaly by definition is "small head" by measurement of circumference. This can be congenital (someone is born with it, as is the case with CdLS) or acquired (in which the individual's head size does not grow, and he/she develops it). In general, the brain is also small, but it may look normally formed. There are many people with small heads by measurement who are developmentally normal. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make the head grow larger. If the skull bones are fusing together and thus restricting head growth, then this is surgically treatable and the head will then be able to grow properly. But once there is microcephaly, the head size can't be increased except through its own growth. With CdLS, the head seems to grow proportionately to the body, so although there is relative microcephaly, head growth parallels body growth

TK 7-13-10

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Groei tijdens de kindertijd

De groei van ieder kind met CdLS dient bewaakt te worden met gebruik van CdLS-specifieke groeicurves.


Medische Zorg van 0 - 18 jaar

De groei van ieder kind met CdLS dient bewaakt te worden met gebruik van CdLS-specifieke groeicurves.

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