Chiedi all'esperto


Melatonin Use


I am a pediatrician who cares for a two-year-old girl with CDLS. My question is regarding disrupted sleep patterns, excess sleep, often followed by no sleep for 18+ hours. This is difficult for her family with two other older siblings, as you can imagine. Is there experience using any medications to aid her sleep pattern such as Melatonin or even Amitryptiline, etc?

Risposta dei nostri esperti

I have used Melatonin in those children with CdLS unable to get to sleep. A major problem, however, is the marked difference in availability of the drug from different manufacturers. The drug is considered a 'food' and not monitored by the FDA. We have our pharmacy stock brands that have been tested more thoroughly

Also, for children with 'sleep terrors' low dose Valium may help. I don't have much experience with Amitryptilline

EK/TK 7-13-10

SEE ALSO:Sleep Difficulties

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Sleep problems in individuals with CdLS can have serious consequences, and behavioural sleep management should be considered.

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