Chiedi all'esperto

Painful Bowel Movement


What could cause a painful bowel movement in a child with CdLS?

Risposta dei nostri esperti

Pain during the production of a bowel movement is unusual in children. Fissures (cracks) or abscesses (pus pockets) can occur in or around the rectum, but might present with bleeding seen in the stool, or pain with sitting down as well. Hemorrhoids are uncommon in children but can cause pain in adults. Constipation may occur in CdLS and could lead to any of these problems. Physical examination should be able to detect any of these findings however none of these have been seen in a higher incidence in CdLS. An upper GI involves dye being swallowed and will not detect lower gastrointestinal problems. A barium enema involves dye being injected into the rectum, and may detect rare gastrointestinal problems lower in the GI tract

TK 7-13-10

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Pain and Behaviour

As pain can easily remain unrecognised in a child with CdLS, all care providers should be aware of the different manifestations and the possible sources of pain. Specific tools to assess pain are recommended.


Constipation of the bowels (Obstipation)

Constipation is present in almost half of all individuals with CdLS and should be treated as in the general population.

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Si prega di prendere nota che il servizio Chiedi all'esperto è composto da professionisti volontari in varie aree di interesse. Le risposte non sono considerate una consultazione medica, comportamentale o educativa. Chiedi all'Esperto non è un sostituto per la cura e l'attenzione che il medico personale di tuo figlio, lo psicologo, il consulente educativo o l'assistente sociale possono fornire.