Zapytaj eksperta


Recurrence in Offspring (Fertility)


What are the chances of my daughter with CdLS reproducing a child with CdLS?

Odpowiedź naszych ekspertów

Many females with CdLS appear to be fertile and males may be as well. We have known of adults who are fairly mildly affected having children who seem to have CdLS and other children who don’t. It is likely that the risk would be 50%. Whether or not she would be interested in having relationships and children will depend on her level of development and maturity as she reaches adulthood. Once she gets her menstrual period you will know she could get pregnant (and many females with CdLS can be protected against pregnancy by various forms of birth control)

TK 7-13-10

Zatwierdzone przezClinical Advisory Board (CAB)
Odpowiedź jest sprawdzana i ważna dla
Znajdź inne strony, które mają ten sam temat co ta strona Can individuals with CdLS have children?1 Can individuals with CdLS have children?14


Can individuals with CdLS have children?

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