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Recurrence Risk


If a person produces a child with CdLS, what is the recurrence rate of producing another child with CdLS with a different partner? Would it still be 1.5 %?

Antwoord van onze experts

It should be the same. A new partner would eliminate the likelihood of two recessive mutations (one silent mutation carried by each partner) having caused the CdLS in the first place. There are very rare instances of something called gonadal mosaicism, in which the individual is actually carrying a change in a gene that could lead to CdLS in only some of his sperm (or some of her eggs, but it's more commonly seen through males). Even if most of the sperm weren't carrying this abnormal gene, the few that were could make the recurrence risk higher. There would be no way of predicting this until the gene(s) have been located. We would always recommend high-resolution ultrasounds to monitor growth and to look for any malformations

TK 7-13-10

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Herhalingsrisico binnen families

Aan alle families met een familielid met CdLS moet genetische counseling aangeboden worden. Aan families moet verteld worden dat het herhalingsrisico op CdLS afhangt van het betrokken gen. In de non-X-linked vormen, is het herhalingsrisico 0.89% op basis van kiembaan-mozaïcisme. Autosomaal dominante overerving van CdLS gebeurt ook, wat betekent dat als er één kopie van de mutatie aanwezig is, het individu klinische effecten zal vertonen. In klinisch gediagnosticeerde individuen met CdLS, is het herhalingsrisico 1.5%.

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