Demander à l'expert


Speech and Language


My daughter is 3 years old and used to say “Mum, Dad, Granny, Grandpa, give me”, now she doesn’t say any of those words. I think that she can learn to talk but she needs time and treatment. What I can do now? She walks, sits alone, plays with toys, sings, and draws.

Réponse de nos experts

Thank you for writing to us. The information you have provided about your daughter leads me to believe she will be able to talk. You said in your letter that she used to say, "Mum, Dad, Granny, Grandpa" and "give me." Now you say she is singing, drawing and playing with toys. These are all good signs that she will be able to talk again

It seems that almost all people with CdLS have oral-motor apraxia, which means they need help making words or other voluntary movements with their mouth. I believe your daughter knows the meaning of many words, but can not easily say them. Someone needs to help her and try the following activities with her

Gather together some things she likes, for example toys or food

In a playful manner, hold one of the items near your mouth and say the name of it several times. Say the name very slowly, at two seconds per syllable, and use inflection, almost like singing

Encourage her to imitate you

Give a lot of praise for any attempt she makes

Her first words may not sound exactly like yours, but if she uses them consistently, they are words for her

She may get frustrated if unable to communicate and you may want to consider alternative methods of communication in the meantime. This might include sign language, communication board, or other pictures/symbols

MG/TK 7-13-10

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Trouvez d'autres pages qui partagent le même sujet que cette page. Communication et language12 Communication et language9 Communication et language9


Communication et language

R63 : Lors de l'évaluation de la communication, il convient de prendre en compte les problèmes de vision et d'audition, les troubles de la parole, la déficience intellectuelle, les difficultés d'interaction sociale et l'anxiété sociale. Les observations vidéo peuvent être très utiles.
R64 : Des stratégies de communication adaptées au développement (telles que l'orthophonie, la communication augmentée) doivent être mises en œuvre dans les 18 premiers mois de la vie.

Avis juridiquer

Veuillez noter que le service Demandez à l'expert est composé de professionnels bénévoles dans divers domaines d'intérêt. Les réponses ne sont pas considérées comme une consultation médicale, comportementale ou éducative. Demandez à l'expert ne remplace pas les soins et l'attention que peut fournir le médecin, le psychologue, le conseiller pédagogique ou le travailleur social de votre enfant.

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