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Sperm Production


Do males with CdLS have any difficulties with sperm production?

Odpowiedź naszych ekspertów

I don't think that we are aware of any problems in sperm production (or function) if the testicles are normal. For males with undescended or removed testicles there would not be normal sperm production. However, it does seem that most of the familial cases (individuals with CdLS having children) are through women rather than men

TK 7-13-10 SEE ALSO: Penis Size

Zatwierdzone przezClinical Advisory Board (CAB)
Odpowiedź jest sprawdzana i ważna dla
Znajdź inne strony, które mają ten sam temat co ta strona Can individuals with CdLS have children?1 Can individuals with CdLS have children?14


Can individuals with CdLS have children?

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