
What If I Need Extra Help?

What If I Need Extra Help?

Professional counseling can be very helpful.

“The neonatal specialist put our daughter in touch with a family therapist specializing in grief counseling who saw them weekly for the first six weeks. Since there were no similar services in our area, I asked our daughter’s permission to see the counselor they were seeing. I have had several sessions and still see her for an occasional ‘tune-up.’” 

“Our initial contact with the CdLS Foundation was a remarkable experience. The people we talked to understood us, were knowledgeable, patient, and extremely helpful. As often as we called, we received a warm, friendly response. We quickly learned that there was a remarkable group of doctors and other professionals (educators, therapists, nutritionists) associated with the Foundation who had extensive experience with children with CdLS. They were not only available to answer our questions, but were also more than willing to share their knowledge with the local professionals taking care of our granddaughter.”

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