
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome (CdLS)  Diagnostic Criteria Checklist

Diagnostic Criteria Checklist

אין התראות זמינות!

  Positive mutation on CdLS gene testing; OR
  Facial findings and meet criteria from two major categories (growth, development or behavior); OR
  Facial findings and meet criteria for at least one major categories and two additional categories (major or minor)
      Gezichts kenmerken
  doorlopende Wenkbrauwen EN >3 van de volgende:
  Lange wimpers
  Korte neus, anteverted nostrils
  Lange, prominent area tussen bovenlip en neus
  Brede en depressed neus-brug
  Smalle of vierkante kin
  Dunne lippen, omlaagstaande hoeken
  Hoog (of gespleten) gehemelt
  Wijd uiteenstaande tanden of afwezige tanden
      Major Criteria
  Growth ( > two or more of the following)
  Weight below 5th percentile for age
  Height/length below 5th percentile for age
  Head circumference below 5th percentile for age
  Development ( > one or more of the following)
  Developmental delays or intellectual disability, with speech more affected than motor skills
  Learning disabilities
  Behavior ( > two or more of the following)
  Attention deficit disorder plus hyperactivity
  Obsessive-compulsive characteristics
  Constant roaming
  Self-injurious behavior
  Extreme shyness or withdrawal
  Autistic-like features
      Minor Criteria
  Musculoskeletal (> one or more of the following)
  Absent arms or forearms
  Three or more of the following or small hands and feet and/or missing digits with two or more of the following:
  Curved 5th finger
  Abnormal palmar crease
  Dislocated elbow/abnormal elbow extension
  Short 1st knuckle/proximally placed thumb
  Partial webbing between 2nd and 3rd toes
  Chest or sternum deformity
  Hip dislocation or dysplasia
  Neurosensory/Skin (three or more of the following)
  Droopy eyelid(s)
  Tear duct malformation or inflammation of eyelid
  Major eye malformation or peripapillary
  Deafness or hearing loss
  Mottled appearance to skin
  Excessive body hair
  Small nipples and/or belly button
  Other major systems (three or more of the following)
  Gastrointestinal malformation/malrotation
  Diaphragmatic hernia
  Gastroesophageal reflux
  Cleft palate or submucous cleft palate
  Congenital heart disease 
  Abnormally placed opening of urethra on penis
  Undescended testes
  Renal or urinary tract malformation
מצא דפים אחרים שחולקים את אותו נושא כמו דף זה Diagnostic approaches7 Diagnostic approaches3 CdLS Spectrum Clinical Criteria (scoring)8