
Looking for Answers

Looking for Answers

You cast around for answers to the many questions swirling in your head. Why did this happen? Who can help you understand the diagnosis? Who can comfort you in your grief? Where can you find support for yourself, your child and your grandchild?  
Some seek to blame the doctors or the technicians who ‘didn’t see it coming.’  

“If further testing had been done, it might have revealed a problem.”

Others worry that something in their family caused the syndrome. Still others may seek to blame the family of their son or daughter-in-law.

About the website contents

All of the information on this WebSite is for education purposes only. The place to get specific medical advice, diagnoses, and treatment is your doctor. Use of this site is strictly at your own risk. If you find something that you think needs correction or clarification, please let us know at: 

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