
Initial Reactions

Initial Reactions

“I was overwhelmed with guilt wondering if genes in my family had caused this.”  

“Because he was the seventh child in his family, my concern was for the tremendous responsibility resting upon his parents.”

“I felt inept. I had never cared for a baby with special needs.” 

“I was very optimistic. I felt the key words were ‘might’ and ‘could.’ I was in denial that he could possibly have all these things wrong with him.”

“I knew our lives had changed forever. His life would be very hard on the family and I wanted to make his life as easy as possible for him. He was the sweetest little boy; he grabbed my heart and never let it go.” 

“The shock didn’t set in for a long time because she was so medically fragile that it took all of our energy and time just to do the routine things to keep her alive. Each minute we spent with her made us love her more.”

“Even with the enormous shock I knew I loved this little girl. I hoped and prayed for her every day she was at the hospital. I also prayed for my children to have strength to get them through this.”

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