
Should I Do Some Things Differently?

Should I Do Some Things Differently?

Depending on circumstances, you may have to do some things differently.

“I do treat the grandchildren differently due to age. My granddaughter is aware that her brother is special, and knows that I love her just as much as I love him, but when I am with him, he comes first.”

“Clearly the interaction with our grandchildren was prescribed by their ability to communicate. Our granddaughter with CdLS was at a distinct disadvantage here and we had to work especially hard to try and understand what she wanted. On the other hand, when we went to the beach or the zoo or to a picnic, the entire family participated.”

“Given the time necessary to raise a child with a disability, the ‘normal’ children sometimes felt neglected and an effort by both parents and grandparents had to be made to make sure they felt special and important. All three children were under four years old and it was impossible to explain why one child was getting more attention than another. This is a most difficult tightrope to walk.” 

“He gets a little more of my time than the others but only because of his special needs, like tube feedings, and because of my taking the time to understand his needs when he’s trying to communicate them.” 

“She seems to love to come and spend the weekend with me. It is like her little getaway. Other children are invited for sleepovers but my grandchild is not. When she stays with me I try to do special things with her.” 

“He is twenty-five and in a group home. I visit him often. At holidays and parties all of the family go and stay about six hours. This is a wonderful and happy group home. My seven-year old granddaughter loves visiting it.”

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