Pregunte al experto


Adverse side effects of Teratogens


Could there be some adverse reaction to the fetus due to exposure to a teratogen prior to conception and up to two weeks after conception? Can teratogens affect chromosome 3? Are they associated with CdLS?

Respuesta de nuestros expertos

Teratogens by definition in some way affect a fetus. In general, things that the mother is exposed to prior to conception and during the first two weeks after conception (when the embryo is traveling down to implant into the uterine wall) do not affect the fetus. Somehow there is protection until the embryo implants and starts using the mother's blood supply. So, whatever this medication is, we can be reassuring. There are some medications that can affect fertility, but shouldn't cause a condition like CdLS. Teratogens do not change genes and therefore have not been associated with CdLS.

TK 7-13-10

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Encuentre otras páginas que compartan el mismo tema que esta página ¿Qué causa el SCdL?16 ¿Qué causa el SCdL?2

Recomendación (es)

¿Qué causa el SCdL?

El SCdL clásico suele producirse por mutaciones en el gen NIPBL; no obstante, también deben considerarse variaciones en alguno de los otros seis genes – SMC1A, SMC3, RAD21, BRD4, HDAC8 o ANKRD11/ – ya que pueden dar lugar a un fenotipo similar.

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