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C. Difficile (Colitis)


Two years ago our 4-year-old son had a blockage in his bowel. Recently he was in the hospital for 8 days with much pain. They did an upper GI series, endoscopy, CT scan and blood work, which were all negative. He has also had C.Difficile and colitis treated with antibiotics but with no improvement.

  1. Why not a lower GI series?

2. What other tests should be performed?

Antwoord van onze experts

I assume that the pain is cramping with the diarrhea. C. difficile can be hard to treat and certainly can come back. If it doesn't respond to flagyl, we usually treat another cycle. You can also try oral vancomycin, but it is very expensive. We have often used Amphogel to bind the toxin (1/2cc/kg/dose 4 times a daynot by other meds as it will bind them) and either homemade yogurt or lactobacillus capsules to try and alter the flora enough to control the diarrhea and cramps. The prep we use is called Culturelle.

You don't usually want to do a barium enema if there is inflammation of the colon; they should have been able to lookfairly well with the CT scan.

CP/TK 7-13-10

Antwoord is gecontroleerd en geldig voor


Pijn en gedrag

Omdat pijn makkelijk gemist kan worden bij een kind met CdLS, dienen alle zorgverleners zich bewust te zijn van de verschillende uitingsvormen en mogelijke bronnen van pijn. Het gebruik van specifieke hulpmiddelen om pijn te beoordelen worden aangeraden.


Maag-Darm problematiek

Elke pasgeborene waarbij een verdenking bestaat op CdLS of waarbij CdLS al is aangetoond dient zorgvuldig beoordeeld te worden op tekens en symptomen die passen bij gastro-intestinale malformaties.

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