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Obsessive-Compulsive behavior


Is there anything that I can do to control my daughter's banging, tapping and stomping? She has exhibited no really self-injurious behavior. But, she has shown what I think is called stereotyped behavior (from Chris Oliver's article on behavior). She constantly opens and closes (sometimes slams) doors, but I control that by putting a towel at the top, and that discourages that behavior. But, she constantly bangs or taps with her upper limbs, and she constantly stomps. I wonder if she really has any control over it. Then, I read the article by Oliver and Hyman that said some children with CdLS may not be able to control certain obsessive-type actions. So, I don't know how to respond: should I just let her continue, and just focus on other things, or should I continue to try to redirect her behavior as much as I can?

Antwoord van onze experts

Obsessive-Compulsive behavior is not entirely under an individual's control, and it is appropriate to let some of it continue, if it is harmless, and if it serves a function  e.g., to reduce tension. But it is also good to try to control it or to redirect it into more productive or pro-social areas, insofar as you can do that, gently, and consistently, over time. It is good for kids to develop as much control over it as they can, and redirection can help them do that

TG/ TK 7-13-10

Antwoord is gecontroleerd en geldig voor


Zelfbeschadigend en agressief gedrag

Om de oorzaak van zelfbeschadigend gedrag bij individuen met CdLS te identificeren, dient medische beoordeling gericht op bronnen van pijn gevolgd te worden door gedragsbeoordeling van zelfbeheersing en vervolgens functionele analyse.
Behandeling van zelfbeschadigend gedrag dient zowel medische als gedragsmatige strategieën te omvatten.



Interventies gericht op problematisch repetitief gedrag bij individuen met CdLS dienen rekening te houden met angst, sensorische problemen en sociale verwachtingen. Deze interventies moeten ook omgevingsfactoren meenemen.
Atypische presentatie van angst- en stemmingsstoornissen dient overwogen te worden bij gedragsveranderingen.
Omdat angst veel voorkomt bij individuen met CdLS tijdens periodes van omgevingsveranderingen/transitie-periodes, dient een planmatig programma geïmplementeerd te worden.
De behandeling van angst- en stemmingsstoornissen bij individuen met CdLS dient overwogen te worden met gebruik van psychosociale interventies (therapie) en farmacotherapie (medicatie).

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